The market offers all kinds of leather goods, including leather bags of different sizes, belts and jackets. There are also stalls selling clothes to suit all tastes, including socks,...
Of the typical products of Varese Province, particularly of the Prealps, we should mention the vast selection of cheeses made following the ancient dairy traditions: from the goat cheeses that...
The Goat's Violin
On the mountains of Val Veddasca, the "Violino di capra" is still made. This special ham, which is in the shape of a violin, is obtained from the...
The quality of Varese's honey is well known. It is no accident that this precious, tasty product, typical of a land with a rich environmental quality, is protected by the...
Bitters and Elixirs
"Un quai cos" is a moderately alcoholic (25%) herb liqueur, a sweet-tasting digestif. "Elixir al Borducan" is the liqueur of Sacro Monte, an infusion of orange and aromatic...
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